ISAN partial data update
PATCH /records Update individual parts of the data associated with an ISAN
Refer to ISAN swagger interface for details and examples in json and xml
Use this service if you need to update, add or delete some information associated to an ISAN. To prevent potential data corruptions issues in the ISAN database ISAN-IA recommends to use preferably this method for data updates.
❗️This service enables ADD and DELETE operations. A request can contain booth, an ADD block as well as a DELETE block, each block contains the list of fields to which the ADD/DELETE operation apply. In order to make an UPDATE operation you need:
- repeatable fields (e.g. titles, participants, ...): perform first a DELETE and then a ADD. Both operations can be done simultaneousely in the same request.
- not repeatable fields (e.g. duration, releaseDate, ...): perform a ADD, the previous value will be overwritten. Note that DELETE is not possible with mandatory not repeatable fields.
❗️The API user shall have a registrant role or be a Registration Agency user (X-ISAN-Authorization).
❗️The record to update shall be in the user's catalogue
🪳known bugs:
ISAN full data update
PUT /records Update all metadata associated with an ISAN
Refer to ISAN swagger interface for details and examples in json and xml
⚠️ Warning: this service is mainly intended for quality management purposes. To update the data of an ISAN use preferably the partial update method. Should you anyway implement this service, make sure you use it with extreme care because all metadata associated with an ISAN is updated.
⛔️ Remember that it is not allowed to refactor an active ISAN and allocate it to another work by changing its metadata, doing so would create major confusions in all systems that have referenced this ISAN.
❗️The API user shall have a registrant role or be a Registration Agency user (X-ISAN-Authorization).
❗️The record to update shall be in the user's catalogue
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